Edinburgh CGIers in California

As faculty mentor I’ve been very impressed by our students’ engagement here at CGI U. Special congrats to Alexandros and Sam for their poster session at the student network event (well over 1000 attending), and James, Alasdair and Karl for their public recognition on stage during the Circular Economy session. I’ve watched our other UoE students share ideas, mingle and liaise with other students and practitioners. Impressive networking skills! A range of amazing plenary speakers included activists, entrepreneurs, sustainability experts and President Clinton (who resisted almost entirely the temptation to mention upcoming elections…) Themes from speakers were: engagement, learning from failure as well as successes, and how to persevere in face of inevitable challenges. The whole Weekend was infused with positive, energetic, quintessentially Californian vibe. Today is day of action when participants literally roll up their sleeves and get to work helping on a school campus, planting trees and painting murals. No doubt we’ll discover yet more hidden talents amongst our amazing Edinburgh team.